Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just Proud Parents - again

Luke, Luke, Luke -- well, he has been in school a few weeks now and he is quite the socialite! He rides in a carpool with 2 other boys and often they talk about "boy" stuff in the car on the way to and fro.

Ms. Gretchen is his new teacher and was scared that Luke was going to hurt himself on the playground the first day of school (which is the typical reaction of someone who has never seen him on the playground!). But said how cute and fun his personality was and she could see why he was the most requested kid to be in class with.

After insisting that there weren't any girls in his new class, he finally fessed up and said that he did think one of them was "kinda cute" -- her name is Mia. Mia is the cutest little girl. Chris went to the school and surprised Luke the other day on the playground and he was performing for all 5 girls on top of a tractor (and he says there aren't any girls). I'm afraid I have my work cut out for me during those teenage years!

Luke always keeps us laughing.

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